Flyball UK

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The BFA is the governing body for one of the growing dog sports in the UK.
Flyball is a fun sport for your , any dog any age any size, if your dog is fit enough it can play .
There are Starter Classes that your dog can compete in from the age of 12 , but it has to be at least 18 months old to compete in a BFA Sanctioned Tournament, this is in the best interests of their long-term health.


Flyball is a sport, from a squad of up to 6 you can select 4 dogs to run in a heat.
It is a , with 4 dogs and their owners in the team for the heat.
The dogs race against in another lane, over 4 , retrieve a from the Box at the end of the lane and back over the 4 hurdles, then the dog goes.
The team is the first to get all 4 dogs to complete without any .


Flyball is the fastest growing in this country.
It is a sport, with regular European Championships.
Flyball is played in America, Canada, Japan, Australia, and many countries.

There are many Tournaments throughout the year, indoors and across the country.
There are two Winter and Summer, but Flyball Tournaments run all year round.
Mainly run in Divisions using seeding times to make the racing competitive.
Usually run with electronic starting, timing and fault lighting.
Running in these competitions gives your dog BFA points, depending on the time that your team runs, and points really do mean .
There are Open Competitions, which means that Teams can compete with any Dogs.


Multibreed is a popular event, 4 Dogs in each Team, of different , only one of which can be a Border collie or Working Sheepdog.
There is a Multibreed Championship and the BFA Multibreed Team of the year award.
Entry to these Tournaments may be limited due to restrictions and logistics.